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Compile listing
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11/20/2012 08:13:30 pm
The user was to lazy to give a description
  1.  5770WDS V7R1M0  100416 RN        IBM ILE RPG             ROB/CRTINDSTMF           GDISYS     11/20/12 14:59:42        Page      1
  2.   Command  . . . . . . . . . . . . :   CRTBNDRPG
  3.     Issued by  . . . . . . . . . . :     ROB
  4.   Program  . . . . . . . . . . . . :   CRTINDSTMF
  5.     Library  . . . . . . . . . . . :     ROB
  6.   Text 'description' . . . . . . . :   *SRCMBRTXT
  7.   Source Member  . . . . . . . . . :   CRTINDSTMF
  8.   Source File  . . . . . . . . . . :   QPGMSRC
  9.     Library  . . . . . . . . . . . :     ROB
  10.     CCSID  . . . . . . . . . . . . :     37
  11.   Text 'description' . . . . . . . :   Create Lotus indirect stream file
  12.   Last Change  . . . . . . . . . . :   11/20/12  14:58:44
  13.   Generation severity level  . . . :   10
  14.   Default activation group . . . . :   *YES
  15.   Compiler options . . . . . . . . :   *XREF      *GEN       *NOSECLVL  *SHOWCPY
  16.                                        *EXPDDS    *EXT       *NOSHOWSKP *NOSRCSTMT
  17.                                        *DEBUGIO   *UNREF     *EVENTF
  18.   Debugging views  . . . . . . . . :   *SOURCE
  19.   Debug encryption key . . . . . . :   *NONE
  20.   Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   *PRINT
  21.   Optimization level . . . . . . . :   *NONE
  22.   Source listing indentation . . . :   *NONE
  23.   Type conversion options  . . . . :   *NONE
  24.   Sort sequence  . . . . . . . . . :   *HEX
  25.   Language identifier  . . . . . . :   *JOBRUN
  26.   Replace program  . . . . . . . . :   *YES
  27.   User profile . . . . . . . . . . :   *USER
  28.   Authority  . . . . . . . . . . . :   *LIBCRTAUT
  29.   Truncate numeric . . . . . . . . :   *YES
  30.   Fix numeric  . . . . . . . . . . :   *NONE
  31.   Target release . . . . . . . . . :   *CURRENT
  32.   Allow null values  . . . . . . . :   *NO
  33.   Define condition names . . . . . :   *NONE
  34.   Enable performance collection  . :   *PEP
  35.   Profiling data . . . . . . . . . :   *NOCOL
  36.   Licensed Internal Code options . :
  37.   Generate program interface . . . :   *NO
  38.   Include directory  . . . . . . . :
  39.   Preprocessor options . . . . . . :   *NONE
  40.  5770WDS V7R1M0  100416 RN        IBM ILE RPG             ROB/CRTINDSTMF           GDISYS     11/20/12 14:59:42        Page      2
  41. Line   <---------------------- Source Specifications ----------------------------><---- Comments ----> Do  Page  Change Src Seq
  42. Number ....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+...10 Num Line  Date   Id  Number
  43.                           S o u r c e   L i s t i n g
  44.      1  // Create an indirect stream file of a list of files to pipe into Domino                                 121120     000100
  45.      2  // commands like COMPACT, etc.                                                                           121120     000101
  46.      3 H DFTACTGRP(*NO) BNDDIR('QC2LE')                                                                          121120     000102
  47.      4                                                                                                           121120     000103
  48.         *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
  49.         * Compiler Options in Effect:                                        *
  50.         *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
  51.         *  Text 'description' . . . . . . . :                                *
  52.         *                 Create Lotus indirect stream file                  *
  53.         *  Generation severity level  . . . :   10                           *
  54.         *  Default activation group . . . . :   *NO                          *
  55.         *  Compiler options . . . . . . . . :   *XREF      *GEN              *
  56.         *                                       *NOSECLVL  *SHOWCPY          *
  57.         *                                       *EXPDDS    *EXT              *
  58.         *                                       *NOSHOWSKP *NOSRCSTMT        *
  59.         *                                       *DEBUGIO   *UNREF            *
  60.         *                                       *EVENTF                      *
  61.         *  Optimization level . . . . . . . :   *NONE                        *
  62.         *  Source listing indentation . . . :   *NONE                        *
  63.         *  Type conversion options  . . . . :   *NONE                        *
  64.         *  Sort sequence  . . . . . . . . . :   *HEX                         *
  65.         *  Language identifier  . . . . . . :   *JOBRUN                      *
  66.         *  User profile . . . . . . . . . . :   *USER                        *
  67.         *  Authority  . . . . . . . . . . . :   *LIBCRTAUT                   *
  68.         *  Truncate numeric . . . . . . . . :   *YES                         *
  69.         *  Fix numeric  . . . . . . . . . . :   *NONE                        *
  70.         *  Allow null values  . . . . . . . :   *NO                          *
  71.         *  Storage model . . .  . . . . . . :   *SNGLVL                      *
  72.         *  Binding directory from Command . :   *NONE                        *
  73.         *  Binding directory from Source  . :   QC2LE                        *
  74.         *    Library  . . . . . . . . . . . :     *LIBL                      *
  75.         *  Activation group . . . . . . . . :   *STGMDL                      *
  76.         *  Enable performance collection  . :   *PEP                         *
  77.         *  Profiling data . . . . . . . . . :   *NOCOL                       *
  78.         *  Generate program interface . . . :   *NO                          *
  79.         *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
  80.      5 FQSYSPRT   O    F  132        PRINTER                                                                     121120     000104
  81.      6                                                                                                           121120     000105
  82.      7  /copy routines/qrpglesrc,ifsio_h                                                                         121120     000106
  83.         *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
  84.         * RPG member name  . . . . . :  IFSIO_H                                                      *                     1
  85.         * External name  . . . . . . :  ROUTINES/QRPGLESRC(IFSIO_H)                                  *                     1
  86.         * Last change  . . . . . . . :  03/13/12  11:39:04                                           *                     1
  87.         *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
  88.      8+/*-                                                                            +                          000000    1000100
  89.      9+ * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Scott C. Klement                                    +                          000000    1000200
  90.     10+ * All rights reserved.                                                        +                          000000    1000300
  91.     11+ *                                                                             +                          000000    1000400
  92.     12+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without          +                          000000    1000500
  93.     13+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions          +                          000000    1000600
  94.  5770WDS V7R1M0  100416 RN        IBM ILE RPG             ROB/CRTINDSTMF           GDISYS     11/20/12 14:59:42        Page      3
  95. Line   <---------------------- Source Specifications ----------------------------><---- Comments ----> Do  Page  Change Src Seq
  96. Number ....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+...10 Num Line  Date   Id  Number
  97.     14+ * are met:                                                                    +                          000000    1000700
  98.     15+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright           +                          000000    1000800
  99.     16+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.            +                          000000    1000900
  100.     17+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright        +                          000000    1001000
  101.     18+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the      +                          000000    1001100
  102.     19+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.     +                          000000    1001200
  103.     20+ *                                                                             +                          000000    1001300
  104.     21+ * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND      +                          000000    1001400
  105.     22+ * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE       +                          000000    1001500
  106.     23+ * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE  +                          000000    1001600
  107.     24+ * ARE DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE     +                          000000    1001700
  108.     25+ * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL  +                          000000    1001800
  109.     26+ * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS     +                          000000    1001900
  110.     27+ * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION)       +                          000000    1002000
  111.     28+ * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT  +                          000000    1002100
  112.     29+ * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY   +                          000000    1002200
  113.     30+ * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF      +                          000000    1002300
  114.     31+ * SUCH DAMAGE.                                                                +                          000000    1002400
  115.     32+ *                                                                             +                          000000    1002500
  116.     33+ */                                                                            +                          000000    1002600
  117.     34+D/if defined(IFSIO_H)                                                                                     000000    1002700
  118.             LINES EXCLUDED: 1
  119.     35+D/endif                                                                                                   000000    1002900
  120.     36+                                                                                                          000000    1003000
  121.     37+D/define IFSIO_H                                                                                          000000    1003100
  122.     38+                                                                                                          000000    1003200
  123.     39+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1003300
  124.     40+ * Some CCSID definitions that I've found useful                                                          000000    1003400
  125.     41+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1003500
  126. *RNF2318 00      5 000104  Overflow indicator *INOA is assigned to PRINTER file
  127.                            QSYSPRT.
  128.     42+D CP_MSDOS        C                   437                                                                 000000    1003600
  129.     43+D CP_ISO8859_1    C                   819                                                                 000000    1003700
  130.     44+D CP_WINDOWS      C                   1252                                                                000000    1003800
  131.     45+D CP_UTF8         C                   1208                                                                000000    1003900
  132.     46+D CP_UCS2         C                   1200                                                                000000    1004000
  133.     47+D CP_CURJOB       C                   0                                                                   000000    1004100
  134.     48+                                                                                                          000000    1004200
  135.     49+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1004300
  136.     50+ *  Flags for use in open()                                                                               000000    1004400
  137.     51+ *                                                                                                        000000    1004500
  138.     52+ * More than one can be used -- add them together.                                                        000000    1004600
  139.     53+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1004700
  140.     54+ *  00000000000000000000000000000001          Reading Only                                                000000    1004800
  141.     55+D O_RDONLY        C                   1                                                                   000000    1004900
  142.     56+ *  00000000000000000000000000000010          Writing Only                                                000000    1005000
  143.     57+D O_WRONLY        C                   2                                                                   000000    1005100
  144.     58+ *  00000000000000000000000000000100          Reading & Writing                                           000000    1005200
  145.     59+D O_RDWR          C                   4                                                                   000000    1005300
  146.     60+ *  00000000000000000000000000001000          Create File if needed                                       000000    1005400
  147.     61+D O_CREAT         C                   8                                                                   000000    1005500
  148.     62+ *  00000000000000000000000000010000          Exclusively create --                                       000000    1005600
  149.     63+ *                                              open will fail if it                                      000000    1005700
  150.     64+ *                                              already exists.                                           000000    1005800
  151.  5770WDS V7R1M0  100416 RN        IBM ILE RPG             ROB/CRTINDSTMF           GDISYS     11/20/12 14:59:42        Page      4
  152. Line   <---------------------- Source Specifications ----------------------------><---- Comments ----> Do  Page  Change Src Seq
  153. Number ....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+...10 Num Line  Date   Id  Number
  154.     65+D O_EXCL          C                   16                                                                  000000    1005900
  155.     66+ *  00000000000000000000000000100000          Assign a CCSID to new                                       000000    1006000
  156.     67+ *                                            file.                                                       000000    1006100
  157.     68+D O_CCSID         C                   32                                                                  000000    1006200
  158.     69+ *  00000000000000000000000001000000          Truncate file to 0 bytes                                    000000    1006300
  159.     70+D O_TRUNC         C                   64                                                                  000000    1006400
  160.     71+ *  00000000000000000000000100000000          Append to file                                              000000    1006500
  161.     72+ *                                            (write data at end only)                                    000000    1006600
  162.     73+D O_APPEND        C                   256                                                                 000000    1006700
  163.     74+ *  00000000000000000000010000000000          Synchronous write                                           000000    1006800
  164.     75+D O_SYNC          C                   1024                                                                000000    1006900
  165.     76+ *  00000000000000000000100000000000          Sync write, data only                                       000000    1007000
  166.     77+D O_DSYNC         C                   2048                                                                000000    1007100
  167.     78+ *  00000000000000000001000000000000          Sync read                                                   000000    1007200
  168.     79+D O_RSYNC         C                   4096                                                                000000    1007300
  169.     80+ *  00000000000000001000000000000000          No controlling terminal                                     000000    1007400
  170.     81+D O_NOCTTY        C                   32768                                                               000000    1007500
  171.     82+ *  00000000000000010000000000000000          Share with readers only                                     000000    1007600
  172.     83+D O_SHARE_RDONLY  C                   65536                                                               000000    1007700
  173.     84+ *  00000000000000100000000000000000          Share with writers only                                     000000    1007800
  174.     85+D O_SHARE_WRONLY  C                   131072                                                              000000    1007900
  175.     86+ *  00000000000001000000000000000000          Share with read & write                                     000000    1008000
  176.     87+D O_SHARE_RDWR    C                   262144                                                              000000    1008100
  177.     88+ *  00000000000010000000000000000000          Share with nobody.                                          000000    1008200
  178.     89+D O_SHARE_NONE    C                   524288                                                              000000    1008300
  179.     90+ *  00000000100000000000000000000000          Assign a code page                                          000000    1008400
  180.     91+D O_CODEPAGE      C                   8388608                                                             000000    1008500
  181.     92+ *  00000001000000000000000000000000          Open in text-mode                                           000000    1008600
  182.     93+D O_TEXTDATA      C                   16777216                                                            000000    1008700
  183.     94+ /if defined(*V5R2M0)                                                                                     000000    1008800
  184.     95+ *  00000010000000000000000000000000          Allow text translation                                      000000    1008900
  185.     96+ *                                            on newly created file.                                      000000    1009000
  186.     97+ * Note: O_TEXT_CREAT requires all of the following flags to work:                                        000000    1009100
  187.     98+ *           O_CREAT+O_TEXTDATA+(O_CODEPAGE or O_CCSID)                                                   000000    1009200
  188.     99+D O_TEXT_CREAT    C                   33554432                                                            000000    1009300
  189.    100+ /endif                                                                                                   000000    1009400
  190.    101+ *  00001000000000000000000000000000          Inherit mode from dir                                       000000    1009500
  191.    102+D O_INHERITMODE   C                   134217728                                                           000000    1009600
  192.    103+ *  00100000000000000000000000000000          Large file access                                           000000    1009700
  193.    104+ *                                            (for >2GB files)                                            000000    1009800
  194.    105+D O_LARGEFILE     C                   536870912                                                           000000    1009900
  195.    106+                                                                                                          000000    1010000
  196.    107+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1010100
  197.    108+ * Access mode flags for access() and accessx()                                                           000000    1010200
  198.    109+ *                                                                                                        000000    1010300
  199.    110+ *   F_OK = File Exists                                                                                   000000    1010400
  200.    111+ *   R_OK = Read Access                                                                                   000000    1010500
  201.    112+ *   W_OK = Write Access                                                                                  000000    1010600
  202.    113+ *   X_OK = Execute or Search                                                                             000000    1010700
  203.    114+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1010800
  204.    115+D F_OK            C                   0                                                                   000000    1010900
  205.    116+D R_OK            C                   4                                                                   000000    1011000
  206.    117+D W_OK            C                   2                                                                   000000    1011100
  207.    118+D X_OK            C                   1                                                                   000000    1011200
  208.    119+                                                                                                          000000    1011300
  209.    120+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1011400
  210.  5770WDS V7R1M0  100416 RN        IBM ILE RPG             ROB/CRTINDSTMF           GDISYS     11/20/12 14:59:42        Page      5
  211. Line   <---------------------- Source Specifications ----------------------------><---- Comments ----> Do  Page  Change Src Seq
  212. Number ....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+...10 Num Line  Date   Id  Number
  213.    121+ * class of users flags for accessx()                                                                     000000    1011500
  214.    122+ *                                                                                                        000000    1011600
  215.    123+ *   ACC_SELF = Check access based on effective uid/gid                                                   000000    1011700
  216.    124+ *   ACC_INVOKER = Check access based on real uid/gid                                                     000000    1011800
  217.    125+ *                 ( this is equvalent to calling access() )                                              000000    1011900
  218.    126+ *   ACC_OTHERS = Check access of someone not the owner                                                   000000    1012000
  219.    127+ *   ACC_ALL = Check access of all users                                                                  000000    1012100
  220.    128+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1012200
  221.    129+D ACC_SELF        C                   0                                                                   000000    1012300
  222.    130+D ACC_INVOKER     C                   1                                                                   000000    1012400
  223.    131+D ACC_OTHERS      C                   8                                                                   000000    1012500
  224.    132+D ACC_ALL         C                   32                                                                  000000    1012600
  225.    133+                                                                                                          000000    1012700
  226.    134+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1012800
  227.    135+ *      Mode Flags.                                                                                       000000    1012900
  228.    136+ *         basically, the mode parm of open(), creat(), chmod(),etc                                       000000    1013000
  229.    137+ *         uses 9 least significant bits to determine the                                                 000000    1013100
  230.    138+ *         file's mode. (peoples access rights to the file)                                               000000    1013200
  231.    139+ *                                                                                                        000000    1013300
  232.    140+ *           user:       owner    group    other                                                          000000    1013400
  233.    141+ *           access:     R W X    R W X    R W X                                                          000000    1013500
  234.    142+ *           bit:        8 7 6    5 4 3    2 1 0                                                          000000    1013600
  235.    143+ *                                                                                                        000000    1013700
  236.    144+ * (This is accomplished by adding the flags below to get the mode)                                       000000    1013800
  237.    145+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1013900
  238.    146+ *                                         owner authority                                                000000    1014000
  239.    147+D S_IRUSR         C                   256                                                                 000000    1014100
  240.    148+D S_IWUSR         C                   128                                                                 000000    1014200
  241.    149+D S_IXUSR         C                   64                                                                  000000    1014300
  242.    150+D S_IRWXU         C                   448                                                                 000000    1014400
  243.    151+ *                                         group authority                                                000000    1014500
  244.    152+D S_IRGRP         C                   32                                                                  000000    1014600
  245.    153+D S_IWGRP         C                   16                                                                  000000    1014700
  246.    154+D S_IXGRP         C                   8                                                                   000000    1014800
  247.    155+D S_IRWXG         C                   56                                                                  000000    1014900
  248.    156+ *                                         other people                                                   000000    1015000
  249.    157+D S_IROTH         C                   4                                                                   000000    1015100
  250.    158+D S_IWOTH         C                   2                                                                   000000    1015200
  251.    159+D S_IXOTH         C                   1                                                                   000000    1015300
  252.    160+D S_IRWXO         C                   7                                                                   000000    1015400
  253.    161+ *                                         special modes:                                                 000000    1015500
  254.    162+ *                                         restrict rename/unlink                                         000000    1015600
  255.    163+D S_ISVTX         C                    512                                                                000000    1015700
  256.    164+ *                                         Set effective GID                                              000000    1015800
  257.    165+D S_ISGID         C                   1024                                                                000000    1015900
  258.    166+ *                                         Set effective UID                                              000000    1016000
  259.    167+D S_ISUID         C                   2048                                                                000000    1016100
  260.    168+                                                                                                          000000    1016200
  261.    169+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1016300
  262.    170+ * My own special MODE shortcuts for open() (instead of those above)                                      000000    1016400
  263.    171+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1016500
  264.    172+D M_RDONLY        C                   const(292)                                                          000000    1016600
  265.    173+D M_RDWR          C                   const(438)                                                          000000    1016700
  266.    174+D M_RWX           C                   const(511)                                                          000000    1016800
  267.    175+                                                                                                          000000    1016900
  268.    176+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1017000
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  271. Number ....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+...10 Num Line  Date   Id  Number
  272.    177+ * "whence" constants for use with seek(), lseek() and others                                             000000    1017100
  273.    178+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1017200
  274.    179+ /if not defined(SEEK_WHENCE_VALUES)                                                                      000000    1017300
  275.    180+D SEEK_SET        C                   CONST(0)                                                            000000    1017400
  276.    181+D SEEK_CUR        C                   CONST(1)                                                            000000    1017500
  277.    182+D SEEK_END        C                   CONST(2)                                                            000000    1017600
  278.    183+ /define SEEK_WHENCE_VALUES                                                                               000000    1017700
  279.    184+ /endif                                                                                                   000000    1017800
  280.    185+                                                                                                          000000    1017900
  281.    186+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1018000
  282.    187+ * flags specified in the f_flags element of the ds_statvfs                                               000000    1018100
  283.    188+ *   data structure used by the statvfs() API                                                             000000    1018200
  284.    189+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1018300
  285.    190+D ST_RDONLY...                                                                                            000000    1018400
  286.    191+D                 C                   CONST(1)                                                            000000    1018500
  287.    192+D ST_NOSUID...                                                                                            000000    1018600
  288.    193+D                 C                   CONST(2)                                                            000000    1018700
  289.    194+D ST_CASE_SENSITITIVE...                                                                                  000000    1018800
  290.    195+D                 C                   CONST(4)                                                            000000    1018900
  291.    196+D ST_CHOWN_RESTRICTED...                                                                                  000000    1019000
  292.    197+D                 C                   CONST(8)                                                            000000    1019100
  293.    198+D ST_THREAD_SAFE...                                                                                       000000    1019200
  294.    199+D                 C                   CONST(16)                                                           000000    1019300
  295.    200+D ST_DYNAMIC_MOUNT...                                                                                     000000    1019400
  296.    201+D                 C                   CONST(32)                                                           000000    1019500
  297.    202+D ST_NO_MOUNT_OVER...                                                                                     000000    1019600
  298.    203+D                 C                   CONST(64)                                                           000000    1019700
  299.    204+D ST_NO_EXPORTS...                                                                                        000000    1019800
  300.    205+D                 C                   CONST(128)                                                          000000    1019900
  301.    206+D ST_SYNCHRONOUS...                                                                                       000000    1020000
  302.    207+D                 C                   CONST(256)                                                          000000    1020100
  303.    208+                                                                                                          000000    1020200
  304.    209+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1020300
  305.    210+ * Constants used by pathconf() API                                                                       000000    1020400
  306.    211+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1020500
  307.    212+D PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED...                                                                                  000000    1020600
  308.    213+D                 C                   0                                                                   000000    1020700
  309.    214+D PC_LINK_MAX...                                                                                          000000    1020800
  310.    215+D                 C                   1                                                                   000000    1020900
  311.    216+D PC_MAX_CANON...                                                                                         000000    1021000
  312.    217+D                 C                   2                                                                   000000    1021100
  313.    218+D PC_MAX_INPUT...                                                                                         000000    1021200
  314.    219+D                 C                   3                                                                   000000    1021300
  315.    220+D PC_NAME_MAX...                                                                                          000000    1021400
  316.    221+D                 C                   4                                                                   000000    1021500
  317.    222+D PC_NO_TRUNC...                                                                                          000000    1021600
  318.    223+D                 C                   5                                                                   000000    1021700
  319.    224+D PC_PATH_MAX...                                                                                          000000    1021800
  320.    225+D                 C                   6                                                                   000000    1021900
  321.    226+D PC_PIPE_BUF...                                                                                          000000    1022000
  322.    227+D                 C                   7                                                                   000000    1022100
  323.    228+D PC_VDISABLE...                                                                                          000000    1022200
  324.    229+D                 C                   8                                                                   000000    1022300
  325.    230+D PC_THREAD_SAFE...                                                                                       000000    1022400
  326.    231+D                 C                   9                                                                   000000    1022500
  327.    232+                                                                                                          000000    1022600
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  329. Line   <---------------------- Source Specifications ----------------------------><---- Comments ----> Do  Page  Change Src Seq
  330. Number ....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+...10 Num Line  Date   Id  Number
  331.    233+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1022700
  332.    234+ * Constants used by sysconf() API                                                                        000000    1022800
  333.    235+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1022900
  334.    236+D SC_CLK_TCK...                                                                                           000000    1023000
  335.    237+D                 C                   2                                                                   000000    1023100
  336.    238+D SC_NGROUPS_MAX...                                                                                       000000    1023200
  337.    239+D                 C                   3                                                                   000000    1023300
  338.    240+D SC_OPEN_MAX...                                                                                          000000    1023400
  339.    241+D                 C                   4                                                                   000000    1023500
  340.    242+D SC_STREAM_MAX...                                                                                        000000    1023600
  341.    243+D                 C                   5                                                                   000000    1023700
  342.    244+D SC_CCSID...                                                                                             000000    1023800
  343.    245+D                 C                   10                                                                  000000    1023900
  344.    246+D SC_PAGE_SIZE...                                                                                         000000    1024000
  345.    247+D                 C                   11                                                                  000000    1024100
  346.    248+D SC_PAGESIZE...                                                                                          000000    1024200
  347.    249+D                 C                   12                                                                  000000    1024300
  348.    250+                                                                                                          000000    1024400
  349.    251+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1024500
  350.    252+ * File Information Structure (stat)                                                                      000000    1024600
  351.    253+ *   struct stat {                                                                                        000000    1024700
  352.    254+ *     mode_t         st_mode;       /* File mode                       */                                000000    1024800
  353.    255+ *     ino_t          st_ino;        /* File serial number              */                                000000    1024900
  354.    256+ *     nlink_t        st_nlink;      /* Number of links                 */                                000000    1025000
  355.    257+ *     unsigned short st_reserved2;  /* Reserved                    @B4A*/                                000000    1025100
  356.    258+ *     uid_t          st_uid;        /* User ID of the owner of file    */                                000000    1025200
  357.    259+ *     gid_t          st_gid;        /* Group ID of the group of file   */                                000000    1025300
  358.    260+ *     off_t          st_size;       /* For regular files, the file                                       000000    1025400
  359.    261+ *                                      size in bytes                   */                                000000    1025500
  360.    262+ *     time_t         st_atime;      /* Time of last access             */                                000000    1025600
  361.    263+ *     time_t         st_mtime;      /* Time of last data modification  */                                000000    1025700
  362.    264+ *     time_t         st_ctime;      /* Time of last file status change */                                000000    1025800
  363.    265+ *     dev_t          st_dev;        /* ID of device containing file    */                                000000    1025900
  364.    266+ *     size_t         st_blksize;    /* Size of a block of the file     */                                000000    1026000
  365.    267+ *     unsigned long  st_allocsize;  /* Allocation size of the file     */                                000000    1026100
  366.    268+ *     qp0l_objtype_t st_objtype;    /* AS/400 object type              */                                000000    1026200
  367.    269+ *     char           st_reserved3;  /* Reserved                    @B4A*/                                000000    1026300
  368.    270+ *     unsigned short st_codepage;   /* Object data codepage            */                                000000    1026400
  369.    271+ *     unsigned short st_ccsid;      /* Object data ccsid           @AAA*/                                000000    1026500
  370.    272+ *     dev_t          st_rdev;       /* Device ID (if character special */                                000000    1026600
  371.    273+ *                                   /* or block special file)      @B4A*/                                000000    1026700
  372.    274+ *     nlink32_t      st_nlink32;    /* Number of links-32 bit      @B5C*/                                000000    1026800
  373.    275+ *     dev64_t        st_rdev64;     /* Device ID - 64 bit form     @B4A*/                                000000    1026900
  374.    276+ *     dev64_t        st_dev64;      /* ID of device containing file -  */                                000000    1027000
  375.    277+ *                                   /* 64 bit form.                @B4A*/                                000000    1027100
  376.    278+ *     char           st_reserved1[36]; /* Reserved                 @B4A*/                                000000    1027200
  377.    279+ *     unsigned int   st_ino_gen_id; /* File serial number generation id                                  000000    1027300
  378.    280+ *  };                                                                                                    000000    1027400
  379.    281+ *                                                                  @A2A*/                                000000    1027500
  380.    282+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1027600
  381.    283+D statds          DS                  qualified                                                           000000    1027700
  382.    284+D                                     BASED(Template)                                                     000000    1027800
  383.    285+D  st_mode                      10U 0                                                                     000000    1027900
  384.    286+D  st_ino                       10U 0                                                                     000000    1028000
  385.    287+D  st_nlink                      5U 0                                                                     000000    1028100
  386.    288+D  st_reserved2                  5U 0                                                                     000000    1028200
  387.  5770WDS V7R1M0  100416 RN        IBM ILE RPG             ROB/CRTINDSTMF           GDISYS     11/20/12 14:59:42        Page      8
  388. Line   <---------------------- Source Specifications ----------------------------><---- Comments ----> Do  Page  Change Src Seq
  389. Number ....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+...10 Num Line  Date   Id  Number
  390.    289+D  st_uid                       10U 0                                                                     000000    1028300
  391.    290+D  st_gid                       10U 0                                                                     000000    1028400
  392.    291+D  st_size                      10I 0                                                                     000000    1028500
  393.    292+D  st_atime                     10I 0                                                                     000000    1028600
  394.    293+D  st_mtime                     10I 0                                                                     000000    1028700
  395.    294+D  st_ctime                     10I 0                                                                     000000    1028800
  396.    295+D  st_dev                       10U 0                                                                     000000    1028900
  397.    296+D  st_blksize                   10U 0                                                                     000000    1029000
  398.    297+D  st_allocsize                 10U 0                                                                     000000    1029100
  399.    298+D  st_objtype                   11A                                                                       000000    1029200
  400.    299+D  st_reserved3                  1A                                                                       000000    1029300
  401.    300+D  st_codepage                   5U 0                                                                     000000    1029400
  402.    301+D  st_ccsid                      5U 0                                                                     000000    1029500
  403.    302+D  st_rdev                      10U 0                                                                     000000    1029600
  404.    303+D  st_nlink32                   10U 0                                                                     000000    1029700
  405.    304+D  st_rdev64                    20U 0                                                                     000000    1029800
  406.    305+D  st_dev64                     20U 0                                                                     000000    1029900
  407.    306+D  st_reserved1                 36A                                                                       000000    1030000
  408.    307+D  st_ino_gen_id                10U 0                                                                     000000    1030100
  409.    308+                                                                                                          000000    1030200
  410.    309+                                                                                                          000000    1030300
  411.    310+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1030400
  412.    311+ * File Information Structure, Large File Enabled (stat64)                                                000000    1030500
  413.    312+ *   struct stat64 {                                                    */                                000000    1030600
  414.    313+ *     mode_t         st_mode;       /* File mode                       */                                000000    1030700
  415.    314+ *     ino_t          st_ino;        /* File serial number              */                                000000    1030800
  416.    315+ *     uid_t          st_uid;        /* User ID of the owner of file    */                                000000    1030900
  417.    316+ *     gid_t          st_gid;        /* Group ID of the group of fileA2A*/                                000000    1031000
  418.    317+ *     off64_t        st_size;       /* For regular files, the file     */                                000000    1031100
  419.    318+ *                                      size in bytes                   */                                000000    1031200
  420.    319+ *     time_t         st_atime;      /* Time of last access             */                                000000    1031300
  421.    320+ *     time_t         st_mtime;      /* Time of last data modification2A*/                                000000    1031400
  422.    321+ *     time_t         st_ctime;      /* Time of last file status changeA*/                                000000    1031500
  423.    322+ *     dev_t          st_dev;        /* ID of device containing file    */                                000000    1031600
  424.    323+ *     size_t         st_blksize;    /* Size of a block of the file     */                                000000    1031700
  425.    324+ *     nlink_t        st_nlink;      /* Number of links                 */                                000000    1031800
  426.    325+ *     unsigned short st_codepage;   /* Object data codepage            */                                000000    1031900
  427.    326+ *     unsigned long long st_allocsize; /* Allocation size of the file2A*/                                000000    1032000
  428.    327+ *     unsigned int   st_ino_gen_id; /* File serial number generationAid*/                                000000    1032100
  429.    328+ *                                                                      */                                000000    1032200
  430.    329+ *     qp0l_objtype_t st_objtype;    /* AS/400 object type              */                                000000    1032300
  431.    330+ *     char           st_reserved2[5]; /* Reserved                  @B4A*/                                000000    1032400
  432.    331+ *     dev_t          st_rdev;       /* Device ID (if character specialA*/                                000000    1032500
  433.    332+ *                                   /* or block special file)      @B4A*/                                000000    1032600
  434.    333+ *     dev64_t        st_rdev64;     /* Device ID - 64 bit form     @B4A*/                                000000    1032700
  435.    334+ *     dev64_t        st_dev64;      /* ID of device containing file@-2A*/                                000000    1032800
  436.    335+ *                                   /* 64 bit form.                @B4A*/                                000000    1032900
  437.    336+ *     nlink32_t      st_nlink32;    /* Number of links-32 bit      @B5A*/                                000000    1033000
  438.    337+ *     char           st_reserved1[26]; /* Reserved            @B4A @B5C*/                                000000    1033100
  439.    338+ *     unsigned short st_ccsid;      /* Object data ccsid           @AAA*/                                000000    1033200
  440.    339+ *  };                                                                  */                                000000    1033300
  441.    340+ *                                                                                                        000000    1033400
  442.    341+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1033500
  443.    342+D statds64        DS                  qualified                                                           000000    1033600
  444.    343+D                                     BASED(Template)                                                     000000    1033700
  445.    344+D  st_mode                      10U 0                                                                     000000    1033800
  446.  5770WDS V7R1M0  100416 RN        IBM ILE RPG             ROB/CRTINDSTMF           GDISYS     11/20/12 14:59:42        Page      9
  447. Line   <---------------------- Source Specifications ----------------------------><---- Comments ----> Do  Page  Change Src Seq
  448. Number ....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+...10 Num Line  Date   Id  Number
  449.    345+D  st_ino                       10U 0                                                                     000000    1033900
  450.    346+D  st_uid                       10U 0                                                                     000000    1034000
  451.    347+D  st_gid                       10U 0                                                                     000000    1034100
  452.    348+D  st_size                      20I 0                                                                     000000    1034200
  453.    349+D  st_atime                     10I 0                                                                     000000    1034300
  454.    350+D  st_mtime                     10I 0                                                                     000000    1034400
  455.    351+D  st_ctime                     10I 0                                                                     000000    1034500
  456.    352+D  st_dev                       10U 0                                                                     000000    1034600
  457.    353+D  st_blksize                   10U 0                                                                     000000    1034700
  458.    354+D  st_nlink                      5U 0                                                                     000000    1034800
  459.    355+D  st_codepage                   5U 0                                                                     000000    1034900
  460.    356+D  st_allocsize                 20U 0                                                                     000000    1035000
  461.    357+D  st_ino_gen_id                10U 0                                                                     000000    1035100
  462.    358+D  st_objtype                   11A                                                                       000000    1035200
  463.    359+D  st_reserved2                  5A                                                                       000000    1035300
  464.    360+D  st_rdev                      10U 0                                                                     000000    1035400
  465.    361+D  st_rdev64                    20U 0                                                                     000000    1035500
  466.    362+D  st_dev64                     20U 0                                                                     000000    1035600
  467.    363+D  st_nlink32                   10U 0                                                                     000000    1035700
  468.    364+D  st_reserved1                 26A                                                                       000000    1035800
  469.    365+D  st_ccsid                      5U 0                                                                     000000    1035900
  470.    366+                                                                                                          000000    1036000
  471.    367+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1036100
  472.    368+ * ds_statvfs - data structure to receive file system info                                                000000    1036200
  473.    369+ *                                                                                                        000000    1036300
  474.    370+ *   f_bsize   = file system block size (in bytes)                                                        000000    1036400
  475.    371+ *   f_frsize  = fundamental block size in bytes.                                                         000000    1036500
  476.    372+ *                if this is zero, f_blocks, f_bfree and f_bavail                                         000000    1036600
  477.    373+ *                are undefined.                                                                          000000    1036700
  478.    374+ *   f_blocks  = total number of blocks (in f_frsize)                                                     000000    1036800
  479.    375+ *   f_bfree   = total free blocks in filesystem (in f_frsize)                                            000000    1036900
  480.    376+ *   f_bavail  = total blocks available to users (in f_frsize)                                            000000    1037000
  481.    377+ *   f_files   = total number of file serial numbers                                                      000000    1037100
  482.    378+ *   f_ffree   = total number of unused file serial numbers                                               000000    1037200
  483.    379+ *   f_favail  = number of available file serial numbers to users                                         000000    1037300
  484.    380+ *   f_fsid    = filesystem ID.  This will be 4294967295 if it's                                          000000    1037400
  485.    381+ *                too large for a 10U 0 field. (see f_fsid64)                                             000000    1037500
  486.    382+ *   f_flag    = file system flags (see below)                                                            000000    1037600
  487.    383+ *   f_namemax = max filename length.  May be 4294967295 to                                               000000    1037700
  488.    384+ *                indicate that there is no maximum.                                                      000000    1037800
  489.    385+ *   f_pathmax = max pathname legnth.  May be 4294967295 to                                               000000    1037900
  490.    386+ *                indicate that there is no maximum.                                                      000000    1038000
  491.    387+ *   f_objlinkmax = maximum number of hard-links for objects                                              000000    1038100
  492.    388+ *                other than directories                                                                  000000    1038200
  493.    389+ *   f_dirlinkmax = maximum number of hard-links for directories                                          000000    1038300
  494.    390+ *   f_fsid64  = filesystem id (in a 64-bit integer)                                                      000000    1038400
  495.    391+ *   f_basetype = null-terminated string containing the file                                              000000    1038500
  496.    392+ *                  system type name.  For example, this might                                            000000    1038600
  497.    393+ *                  be "root" or "Network File System (NFS)"                                              000000    1038700
  498.    394+ *                                                                                                        000000    1038800
  499.    395+ *  Since f_basetype is null-terminated, you should read it                                               000000    1038900
  500.    396+ *  in ILE RPG with:                                                                                      000000    1039000
  501.    397+ *       myString = %str(%addr(ds_statvfs.f_basetype))                                                    000000    1039100
  502.    398+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1039200
  503.    399+D ds_statvfs      DS                  qualified                                                           000000    1039300
  504.    400+D                                     BASED(Template)                                                     000000    1039400
  505.  5770WDS V7R1M0  100416 RN        IBM ILE RPG             ROB/CRTINDSTMF           GDISYS     11/20/12 14:59:42        Page     10
  506. Line   <---------------------- Source Specifications ----------------------------><---- Comments ----> Do  Page  Change Src Seq
  507. Number ....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+...10 Num Line  Date   Id  Number
  508.    401+D  f_bsize                      10U 0                                                                     000000    1039500
  509.    402+D  f_frsize                     10U 0                                                                     000000    1039600
  510.    403+D  f_blocks                     20U 0                                                                     000000    1039700
  511.    404+D  f_bfree                      20U 0                                                                     000000    1039800
  512.    405+D  f_bavail                     20U 0                                                                     000000    1039900
  513.    406+D  f_files                      10U 0                                                                     000000    1040000
  514.    407+D  f_ffree                      10U 0                                                                     000000    1040100
  515.    408+D  f_favail                     10U 0                                                                     000000    1040200
  516.    409+D  f_fsid                       10U 0                                                                     000000    1040300
  517.    410+D  f_flag                       10U 0                                                                     000000    1040400
  518.    411+D  f_namemax                    10U 0                                                                     000000    1040500
  519.    412+D  f_pathmax                    10U 0                                                                     000000    1040600
  520.    413+D  f_objlinkmax                 10I 0                                                                     000000    1040700
  521.    414+D  f_dirlinkmax                 10I 0                                                                     000000    1040800
  522.    415+D  f_reserved1                   4A                                                                       000000    1040900
  523.    416+D  f_fsid64                     20U 0                                                                     000000    1041000
  524.    417+D  f_basetype                   80A                                                                       000000    1041100
  525.    418+                                                                                                          000000    1041200
  526.    419+                                                                                                          000000    1041300
  527.    420+ **********************************************************************                                   000000    1041400
  528.    421+ * Group Information Structure (group)                                                                    000000    1041500
  529.    422+ *                                                                                                        000000    1041600
  530.    423+ *  struct group {                                                                                        000000    1041700
  531.    424+ *        char    *gr_name;        /* Group name.                      */                                 000000    1041800
  532.    425+ *        gid_t   gr_gid;          /* Group id.                        */                                 000000    1041900
  533.    426+ *        char    **gr_mem;        /* A null-terminated list of pointers                                  000000    1042000
  534.    427+ *                                    to the individual member names.  */                                 000000    1042100
  535.    428+ *  };                                                                                                    000000    1042200
  536.    429+ *                                                                                                        000000    1042
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