- **FREE
- ctl-opt option(*srcstmt:*nodebugio) dftactgrp(*no);
- // Procedure interface for SubprogramA
- dcl-pr SubprogramA;
- // Parameters if any
- end-pr;
- // Procedure interface for SubprogramB
- dcl-pr SubprogramB;
- // Parameters if any
- end-pr;
- // Procedure interface for SubprogramC
- dcl-pr SubprogramC;
- // Parameters if any
- end-pr;
- dcl-c SubprogramAValue 'SUBPROGA';
- dcl-c SubprogramBValue 'SUBPROGB';
- dcl-c SubprogramCValue 'SUBPROGC';
- // Call Subprogram A
- SubprogramA();
- // Call Subprogram B
- SubprogramB();
- // Call Subprogram C
- SubprogramC();
- *INLR = *ON;
- ***********************************
- **FREE
- ctl-opt option(*srcstmt:*nodebugio) dftactgrp(*no);
- dcl-proc SubprogramA;
- dsply 'This is Subprogram A';
- *INLR = *ON;
- end-proc;
- ************************************
- **FREE
- ctl-opt option(*srcstmt:*nodebugio) dftactgrp(*no);
- dcl-proc SubprogramB;
- dsply 'This is Subprogram B';
- *INLR = *ON;
- end-proc;
- ***********************************
- **FREE
- ctl-opt option(*srcstmt:*nodebugio) dftactgrp(*no);
- dcl-proc SubprogramC;
- dsply 'This is Subprogram C';
- *INLR = *ON;
- end-proc;
- *********************************************
- job log of compilation failure :-
- job log of compilation failure.
- 5770SS1 V7R5M0 220415 Display Job Log PUB400 06/21/23 15:29:56 UTC Page 1
- Job name . . . . . . . . . . : QPAD151111 User . . . . . . : K21 Number . . . . . . . . . . . : 485301
- Job description . . . . . . : K21 Library . . . . . : QGPL
- CPF1124 Information 00 06/21/23 15:11:53,932138 QWTPIIPP QSYS 04DC *EXT *N
- Message . . . . : Job 485301/K21/QPAD151111 started on 06/21/23 at 15:11:53
- in subsystem QINTER2 in QSYS. Job entered system on 06/21/23 at 15:11:53.
- CPF2451 Information 40 06/21/23 15:11:54,112594 QMHCHMSQ QSYS 0AF7 *EXT *N
- Message . . . . : Message queue K21 is allocated to another job.
- Cause . . . . . : If this message was received when trying to sign on, the
- most probable cause is that you are already signed on to another work
- station. (A message queue can be placed in break or notify mode in only one
- job at a time.) The message queue could also have been allocated by the
- Allocate Object (ALCOBJ) command or the Receive Message (RCVMSG) command.
- Recovery . . . : Determine what job has allocated the message queue
- (using the WRKOBJLCK command). Work station message queues cannot be
- allocated. They are associated with the device of the same name. To
- determine if there are locks on a work station message queue, check the
- locks on the device description of the same name. When the message queue is
- no longer allocated try the request again.
- *NONE Command 06/21/23 15:11:54,713191 QCADRV QSYS 0421 SETLANG PUB400SYS 000D
- Message . . . . : 1200 - CHGJOB JOB(*) LOG(0 0 *NOLIST) LOGCLPGM(*NO)
- CPF2128 Escape 40 06/21/23 15:11:54,716106 QLICHLBL QSYS 02ED SETLANG PUB400SYS 003A
- Message . . . . : Library QSYS2974 not in system portion of library list.
- Cause . . . . . : The specified library QSYS2974 is not in the system
- portion of the library list and therefore cannot be removed. Recovery . . .
- : Display the library list (DSPLIBL) to determine if the library name
- specified is incorrect or the specified library is in the user portion of
- the library list. The product library will be removed at the completion of
- this command. If the library name is incorrect, change the library name and
- then try the command again. If the library is in the user portion of the
- library list, use the RMVLIBLE command to remove the library from the user
- portion of the library list. If the library is the current library, use the
- CHGCURLIB command to remove it.
- CPF2128 Escape 40 06/21/23 15:11:54,716180 QLICHLBL QSYS 02ED SETLANG PUB400SYS 003A
- Message . . . . : Library QSYS2975 not in system portion of library list.
- Cause . . . . . : The specified library QSYS2975 is not in the system
- portion of the library list and therefore cannot be removed. Recovery . . .
- : Display the library list (DSPLIBL) to determine if the library name
- specified is incorrect or the specified library is in the user portion of
- the library list. The product library will be removed at the completion of
- this command. If the library name is incorrect, change the library name and
- then try the command again. If the library is in the user portion of the
- library list, use the RMVLIBLE command to remove the library from the user
- portion of the library list. If the library is the current library, use the
- CHGCURLIB command to remove it.
- CPF2128 Escape 40 06/21/23 15:11:54,716235 QLICHLBL QSYS 02ED SETLANG PUB400SYS 003A
- Message . . . . : Library QSYS2926 not in system portion of library list.
- Cause . . . . . : The specified library QSYS2926 is not in the system
- portion of the library list and therefore cannot be removed. Recovery . . .
- : Display the library list (DSPLIBL) to determine if the library name
- specified is incorrect or the specified library is in the user portion of
- the library list. The product library will be removed at the completion of
- this command. If the library name is incorrect, change the library name and
- then try the command again. If the library is in the user portion of the
- library list, use the RMVLIBLE command to remove the library from the user
- -=* *=-
- 5770SS1 V7R5M0 220415 Display Job Log PUB400 06/21/23 15:29:56 UTC Page 2
- Job name . . . . . . . . . . : QPAD151111 User . . . . . . : K21 Number . . . . . . . . . . . : 485301
- Job description . . . . . . : K21 Library . . . . . : QGPL
- portion of the library list. If the library is the current library, use the
- CHGCURLIB command to remove it.
- CPF2128 Escape 40 06/21/23 15:11:54,716288 QLICHLBL QSYS 02ED SETLANG PUB400SYS 003A
- Message . . . . : Library QSYS2929 not in system portion of library list.
- Cause . . . . . : The specified library QSYS2929 is not in the system
- portion of the library list and therefore cannot be removed. Recovery . . .
- : Display the library list (DSPLIBL) to determine if the library name
- specified is incorrect or the specified library is in the user portion of
- the library list. The product library will be removed at the completion of
- this command. If the library name is incorrect, change the library name and
- then try the command again. If the library is in the user portion of the
- library list, use the RMVLIBLE command to remove the library from the user
- portion of the library list. If the library is the current library, use the
- CHGCURLIB command to remove it.
- CPF2128 Escape 40 06/21/23 15:11:54,716355 QLICHLBL QSYS 02ED SETLANG PUB400SYS 003A
- Message . . . . : Library QSYS2957 not in system portion of library list.
- Cause . . . . . : The specified library QSYS2957 is not in the system
- portion of the library list and therefore cannot be removed. Recovery . . .
- : Display the library list (DSPLIBL) to determine if the library name
- specified is incorrect or the specified library is in the user portion of
- the library list. The product library will be removed at the completion of
- this command. If the library name is incorrect, change the library name and
- then try the command again. If the library is in the user portion of the
- library list, use the RMVLIBLE command to remove the library from the user
- portion of the library list. If the library is the current library, use the
- CHGCURLIB command to remove it.
- CPF2128 Escape 40 06/21/23 15:11:54,716426 QLICHLBL QSYS 02ED SETLANG PUB400SYS 003A
- Message . . . . : Library QSYS2909 not in system portion of library list.
- Cause . . . . . : The specified library QSYS2909 is not in the system
- portion of the library list and therefore cannot be removed. Recovery . . .
- : Display the library list (DSPLIBL) to determine if the library name
- specified is incorrect or the specified library is in the user portion of
- the library list. The product library will be removed at the completion of
- this command. If the library name is incorrect, change the library name and
- then try the command again. If the library is in the user portion of the
- library list, use the RMVLIBLE command to remove the library from the user
- portion of the library list. If the library is the current library, use the
- CHGCURLIB command to remove it.